Idaho 2nd Hispanic/American Indian Healthcare Conference
This two day conference will explore mental health, provider burnout, maternal health and more working to ensure healthcare equality. Hosted by the Idaho Commission on Hispanic Affairs and Idaho State University in Pocatello, ID. Register here

CleanMed + Cocktails Recap
Grab a cocktail or mocktail at home and tune in for a recap of the CleanMed Conference. We'll discuss latest healthcare sustainability efforts and ways we can implement solutions here in Idaho. Join via Zoom

Project G.R.E.E.N.
This is the 6th year of the annual conference. This years theme is GRIT- get gritty and get sustainable! Join Project GREEN 2024 and explore ecological restoration, service and partnerships, recycling and reductions with educators and sustainability professionals. Featuring a keynote and plenary speakers and student experiences. This year’s Summit is hosted by Riverstone International School and will include some local field trips.
This growing sustainability network focuses on resources, projects, field trips & curriculum that address local, regional & global issues & solutions. The main audience is teachers and administrators, but we encourage professionals, administrators, students and educators of all types to submit proposals to present and to attend! Register here

Idaho's Health Priorities Conference - Community Driven Solutions
On May 29-31, 2024, diverse partners, including healthcare, public health, community advocacy, government, academia, and multicultural leaders from across Idaho, will unite in a collaborative effort with a shared mission to promote, protect, and improve the overall health and wellbeing of all Idahoans. The conference will focus on improving population health through strategic alliances and elevating the voices of disproportionately affected communities.

CleanMed Salt Lake
CleanMed will bring us together May 21-23 in Salt Lake City to connect, share, and build upon solutions for a more sustainable health care sector. As the premier health care sustainability conference, CleanMed offers the strategies, tools, and connections you need to make progress toward your goals.

Beat the Heat Block Party
Join the Youth Climate Action Council to help build resilience against extreme heat in our community.
Bring donations of these items to create heat prevention packs for community members experiencing housing insecurity:
Water bottles
Summer clothing
Electrolyte packs
Baby wipes

Trail Maintenance Volunteer
Help us take care of the foothills we all love and enjoy! Join ICCH with Ridge to Rivers as we do trail maintenance. Things to bring: Gloves, closed-toed shoes, and long pants. We'll have some extra gloves for volunteers that don't have them. Also, make sure to bring something to eat and plenty of water! A backpack to carry these items is also a good idea.

Lecture Series: Hot, Hot, Hot
Heat is just something we know we need to be really worried about,” Dr. Geoff Comp, an emergency medicine specialist at Valleywise Health Medical Center in Phoenix, AZ. Emergency departments in places like Arizona and Texas have long experience in dealing with heat waves and adaptation and Dr. Comp will speak to the changing number and severity of heat related illness he sees in clinical practice, as well as some novel treatment strategies for extreme heat. As the planet warms, areas not used to extreme heat have the potential to become a “mass casualty event”. The greatest pressure on emergency care comes when temperatures stay high for several days, and brownouts or power outages occur. “There’s a domino effect." Dr. Comp will address how his community has begun to adapt and the City of Boise will discuss how they are planning for a climate resilient community in the face of extreme heat.

Shade City Brewfest
Created by Lost Grove Brewing, Idaho Botanical Garden, and Treasure Valley Canopy Network, Shade City Brewfest has a mission to explore the ways that the brewing community and businesses around Idaho can reduce their impact on the environment while still holding fun events and enjoying local food and drinks. This two-day Brewfest will celebrate Idaho’s beer scene while generating conversations around sustainability, environmental impact, and waste reduction.

Shade City Brewfest
Created by Lost Grove Brewing, Idaho Botanical Garden, and Treasure Valley Canopy Network, Shade City Brewfest has a mission to explore the ways that the brewing community and businesses around Idaho can reduce their impact on the environment while still holding fun events and enjoying local food and drinks. This two-day Brewfest will celebrate Idaho’s beer scene while generating conversations around sustainability, environmental impact, and waste reduction.

City of Boise Earth Day Celebration
Join the City of Boise’s Earth Day celebration on Saturday, April 13! It’s a family-friendly afternoon filled with food, music and activities at Kristin Armstrong Municipal Park from noon to 4pm. Come celebrate with our community partners and discover how together we are conserving and protecting our clean air, water and open spaces.

Lecture Series: The Health Benefits of Trees
Join national urban forestry & climate action experts from research & practice who are advancing nature based solutions by planning for planting and caring for trees in cities across the US. Lance Davisson, Executive Director of Treasure Valley Canopy Network (TVCN), will moderate a panel with Dr. Vivek Shandas from Portland State University and national expert in measuring and mitigating urban heat and Dr. Geoffrey Donovan, leading researcher with the USDA Forest Service who is advancing research links between trees and human health. Learn about the important connections between trees and human health and explore how these leaders and Idaho organizations are partnering to improve health and resilience in Idaho communities by investing in these important nature based solutions.
National Public Health Week!
Public health is more than just health care. It's the steps we take to make sure our neighborhoods and environment are free from pollution. It's making sure our food and water are safe to eat and drink. It's also the relationships we foster in our communities. We're all interconnected. When we all come together to support public health, all of us — individuals, families, communities and the public health field — can achieve the goals of public health.
APHA is hosting almost a dozen NPHW events this year. They're all free, but registration is required. RSVP today.

Treefort Green Team Volunteer
Join ICCH at Treefort Music Festival with the green team helping recycle and compost among other festival sustainability efforts. Volunteers will receive a FREE Main Stage day pass!

ULI Idaho Sustainability Conference 2024
Join the Urban Land Institute-Idaho and several industry partners for a half-day conference discussing sustainability initiatives in the built environment and real estate industry. Program will consist of a national keynote speaker, several topic-specific breakout sessions and an industry social.

Lecture Series: Mental Health and Climate Change
Dr. Pinsky is a child and adolescent psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital and the Associate Director for Advocacy at MGH Center for Environment and Health. She is a renowned speaker on the topic of climate change and its impacts on our mental health. She has spoken widely about the impacts of extreme heat, wildfire smoke, floods, droughts and other climate fueled natural disasters on levels of stress, anxiety, and depression and how this is particularly impacting children, teens and young adults.

Communities and Changing Climate
The forum will bring a range of lived experiences of how climate change impacts communities in Idaho, or elsewhere, and what we can expect in the future. With our panelists, we’ll examine how climate change is affecting farming and agriculture, public health and the lives of those who have elected to leave their homes in search of more favorable climate conditions. Panelists will touch on health, agriculture, and what it means to be a climate refugee.
Palina Louangketh, DSL, Founder & Executive Director, Idaho Museum of International Diaspora
Pat Purdy, Manager, Picabo Livestock Co. and Owner, Purdy Enterprises
Dr. Bill Weppner, Clinician-Educator and Co-Director, Center of Education for Interprofessional Collaboration at the Boise VA Medical Center

Wild & Scenic Film Festival
The Idaho Chapter of the Sierra Club presents a night of unforgettable short films that highlight stories of communities organizing for change and building inclusion in the outdoors—from the Klamath River to St. Louis to Chile & beyond. Plus, check out the show-stopping silent auction packages & prizes. It's going to be so much fun–you don’t want to miss it!

2024 Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health Annual Meeting
"From the Clinic to the Capitol". Participants can obtain up to 15.75 CME/CE credits!
In this pivotal year for climate action, over 12 climate and health organizations will join together in planning a powerful, collective health professional movement for change.
Featured speakers include Mustafa Santiago Ali, Executive Vice President of Conservation & Justice for the National Wildlife Federation, and Julia Olson, Executive Director and Chief Legal Counsel for Our Children’s Trust and one of Time’s 100 Top Influential Climate Leaders.
Registration here

The Joint Commission’s Sustainable Healthcare Certification Program
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.